Sunday, January 18, 2015

Oh, Nuffin'

If you're expecting me to bite my tongue, I am trying. Just don't know if there is a Thumper in me who knows better!

Was an interesting Sunday to say the least.

Since we were out late last night, I slept in and went to 10:30 church. I sat with a friend and her family and, not too far along in the service, her teenage son fainted. Now you know me, I am part of the Austin Fainting Goats Duo. They got him out of there to go see a doctor and I couldn't get the image out of my head. I still am surprised I stayed upright. But it was a struggle the rest of the church service.

The other part of the struggle was trying not to roll my eyes at all the green and gold clothing and comments from the cheesehead-wearing pastor. Just part of a Packer Sunday, I guess.

Got home and put some cheesy potatoes in the oven, which were done just in time to drive them a half mile down the road to our friends' who were holding a game-viewing party. Along with a birthday component for the hostess!

After the first half, I figured the Packers would come away with it. I had no idea they would play like the Vikings and blow a huge lead, only to lose. We get used to that, but I suppose it's something new for the shocked Packer backers.

Frankly, by overtime, I was just hoping the final score would some how magically land on our "pool" numbers. We had been shut out last week and the first 3 quarters today. But that final, thanks to no extra point required in OT, matched up with Mr. Austin's square. Whoo-hoo! He may have won, but I paid for the square and may have to charge a handing fee for transporting it all the way from Iola.

Reasonable, right?

Came home to watch part of the second blowout game and knocked off two more episodes of OITNB. I have just 4 episodes left and I'll be caught up on Season Two. If I make good progress on other projects tomorrow, maybe I can finish up.

We'll see. I got about the same done today as yesterday.

And, as Thumper would say, that was nuffin'!

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