Saturday, January 24, 2015

Time: 2-Dark-30

Winter is a killer on my social life! And by "social life" I mean my ability to stay up for a Hallmark movie (or any movie) that starts at 8 p.m.

"That won't get done until 10? Uff da. That's so late!"

Yup, I've become that old lady. But I blame winter and its limited daylight hours. When it is dark at 6 p.m., I am ready for jammies by 7 p.m. The only reason we go to so many basketball games on weeknights is to prevent me from succumbing to complete hibernation!

Well, that's not completely true. I love the games.

But tonight, Saturday night, there is no game. And it's 8:30. And I feel like crawling into bed with a good read.

Pathetic. And I did not over-do it today by any means. Had my workout class at 7:30 a.m. Did my Saturday chores. Then hubby and I helped with a 2-hour project at school.

My highlight was going on a dinner date with my boy. Gentleman's choice – so we ended up at Hong Kong Buffett. Not the worst choice. Definitely not the healthiest either. But it was nice to actually talk a little. Wow. No sarcasm. I really treasure those moments!

Got home in time to watch a Hallmark movie – not a Christmas one for once. Carter is going to a very non-Hallmark movie, American Sniper, at 9:30. Jim and I are planning to see it at some point, too, but that is too late for both of us. Probably a matinee would be more my speed.

They'd probably give me the senior discount!

Time for bed...

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