Thursday, January 22, 2015

Small Comfort

For ThrowBack Thursday I found this lovely photo of my mom relaxing while my oldest sister Rayna combs her hair.

I had to chuckle when I noticed Rayna is missing one of the bows on her glasses. I wonder how long she had to go to school like that! I know I went through that a time or two in grade school and high school. Good thing nobody teased me. Right.

The other amusing part is that some 20 years after this photo, I was doing the same thing for Mom. Rayna said Mom paid her a few pennies. With inflation, Mom gave me a dime when I'd do it! There's just some small comfort in someone combing, brushing or washing your hair. It's so relaxing, I love it. (We don't pay our hair "artists" enough for their services!)

I told Rayna she better be combing Mom's hair once a day while Mom is visiting her in Texas. I'm sure she'll still love it!

She pointed out that in this photo, unbeknownst to me, my mother was pregnant with my brother Ron. He was born in 1961 and was the 5th "R" and first (and only) boy. I should say only surviving boy.

By sad coincidence, it was 52 years ago today that my mother gave birth to twins – a boy and a girl – three months prematurely. They were 1 pound, 9 oz., and 2 pounds, 4 oz. Sadly, they didn't make it. Less than two years later, Mom was pregnant with twins again. This time, it was also a boy and a girl. Tragically, the boy did not survive, but my sister Rachel did, making her the 6th "R."

Hard to believe my mom was pregnant with twins again in 1968. That makes 3 sets in a row, with my twin and I the only surviving "set." I can't imagine the hole in Mom's heart. Thank goodness Raylene and I came around to give her so much joy.

Well, mostly.

I don't think we give Mom enough credit for her inner strength. I could not handle the death of one child, let alone three babies and years prior to that, 3 miscarriages. I have one sister and several friends who have weathered the same sorrow. God bless all of you!

I hope you find some small comfort surrounding yourself with friends and family who are still here and who love you! Don't be afraid to ask them to sit down and comb your hair. You deserve that.

Heck, all of us mothers do.

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