Saturday, April 11, 2015

Signs of Spring

It was ironic that when we awoke to temperatures around the freezing mark that I was going to work at a garage sale and hubby was heading to Green Bay to golf. Neither one seemed to be "in season," but we trusted the forecast.

It was mostly right.

It did get up into the mid-60s but there was a chilly wind that reminded us not to get our hopes up that spring is really here. Not 100% anyway.

I ended up working the sale until mid-afternoon. Started off slow but picked up. I was seeing some of my stuff go so that is always a bonus. We figured today most people were home enjoying the weather and doing yard work – which seems to be an oxymoron, doesn't it?

Carter slept in and was off doing who knows what. For once he did not stop to shop the sale so we don't have any new unique items in the house like boat chairs for his man cave or useless trophies. That's a positive. I, on the other hand, did buy quite a few items... but not for me. I got my girl fix on, buying clothes (by request) for the granddaughters of two of my sisters.

When the temperature reached 60, I informed my garage sale hostess that Mr. Deck Chair had texted me and needed me home. That tactic didn't completely work. I did get a little sun but the wind prevented me from lounging on the deck. When Jim got home, I noticed he got sunburned on his face. He claims it was more like windburn, though. Glad I didn't golf in that. I would just swing harder. (And miss the ball more.)

Carter is gone this evening for the second and final musical performance. We didn't attend it. Instead we did another spring-like, actually summer-like, activity...

Yup, it was the first fire of the "season" on Blue Jay Drive, courtesy of our neighbors across the street. That was nice to sit around and chat (even if I was still wearing long underwear and a faux fur-lined sweatshirt).

I like that sign of spring!

I guess tomorrow and the whole week is supposed to be spring-y. No excuse not to do something outdoors on Sunday... other than the annual pursuit for the Green Jacket. Hmm, do we rake or go running or watch The Masters?

You don't have to read the signs of Robyn to know which option I'll likely pick!

Happy Spring!

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