Thursday, April 16, 2015


Oh boy. I almost titled this blog entry "Friday Funnies," then I realized it is only Thursday. That tells you where my mind is.


I worked from home this morning so I could have the afternoon off to do fun "work." When I stumble out for coffee at 8 a.m., this conversation ensues...

Hubby: "I thought you were getting up to go to 5:30 exercise class."
Me: "Well, I didn't set my alarm but thought if I got up 'naturally' at 5, I'd go."

For some reason I amuse him...

I honestly kind of thought that maybe, just maybe, I would get up. Usually if I get to sleep in, my internal alarm goes off and I am frustrated to be awake so early. Today, though, it was on permanent snooze. That's OK, there was a later class at 5:30 p.m.

Whoops. Missed that, too! But for good reason.

This afternoon I whipped up a half batch of Monster Cookies, which means only 8 or 9 dozen instead of 17+. Had to set aside 2 dozen good-looking cookies for prom treats. Of course, that means there are 6 dozen not-as-stellar but-still-tasty ones at home. Must freeze some for later. And by later, I might just mean work on Monday.

After that, I headed to the school at 4 p.m. to help with prom decorating.

Did you know that chicken wire is like the secret ingredient for transforming a sweaty gymnasium into a prom palace?? That and some tulle and lots of lights. Lots and lots of light. Well the theme this year is "Festival of Lights" – a.k.a. Let's Not Blow a Fuse.

There was a lot of work to be done. For me, it was fun (and I got to operate a staple gun!). I enjoyed helping with decorating in high school. I can tell you one thing: there was not a roll of crepe paper in sight. We've come a long way, baby. In fact, I am extremely impressed with the creativity of the women who helped guide the decorating. Amazing ideas to bring to life the desires of the prom committee. Can't wait to take some pictures to share. So cool.

Tomorrow, it's another work afternoon/evening in the gym. I actually took all of tomorrow off since I have some prom-related errands to run on Carter's behalf. And some errands of my own, plus a bit of "side work" for some folks.

Good thing there will be chicken wire around as I will once again be running around like a chicken with her head cut off.

Better than being cooped up, I guess.

(Oh stop groaning and get to bed!)

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