Friday, April 17, 2015

Sherbet You Can't Eat

It's Trivia Weekend in central Wisconsin this weekend. The annual event, anchored out of a radio station in Stevens Point, draws thousands of players on teams huddled in basements and garages with computers, books and caffeine.

I am not part of a team and am not filled with enough random knowledge to be drafted to one. Still it's fun the see many friends get excited about it.

In the meantime, I will stick with Trivia Crack, an app for my phone that allows me to play head to head with friends. Thanks to the ability of lucky random guesses, I have even won a few games. The logo above has kind of been stuck in my head. It wasn't until I was taking some "after" pictures of the gymnasium tonight that it dawned on my our prom colors are Trivia Crack colors.

Which, actually, are like mounds of colorful sherbet you can't eat!

It's a scrumptiously beautiful effect!!

I don't think I'm allowed to share photos of the final transformation, but here's a sneak peek if you were, for example, looking up while getting down on the dance floor....

I am sooo right about the Trivia Crack and Sherbet, aren't I? The whole scene is absolutely gorgeous!

Was so glad that we got so much done last night because it gave us a free pass tonight. That was welcome news since I had spent my day off running multiple errands and doing some little projects – all in the name of prom. All will be revealed tomorrow.

So after dropping off some cookies and soda for the dance, I had time to swing by home games for our softball team and soccer. Didn't stay too long at either but it was nice to see some of the girls at play. And since it was nearly 80 degrees, why not spend a little time outdoors??

We won soccer (Carter's prom date, Gracie) is a darn good player. It is likely we won the softball double-header, too. Didn't get the final scores, though. Jim took his dad to the baseball game down at that unique turf facility outside of Mauston. When Carter played there last year, it rained and rained so we couldn't really enjoy. They had a good time, though. In fact, the second game hadn't started when they left.

I feel bad for the baseball players who will be getting home late and have to get up early for the ACT test. That reminds me, I should probably make sure Carter's got his pencils sharpened...

And that they're good ol' No.2 yellow ones, not Trivia Crack colored ones.

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