Saturday, May 27, 2017

Time Keeps Ticking On

It was fitting that the day before the anniversary of my dad's death, that I got this message in my Dove chocolate.

Now don't judge me for having a Dove treat. It was obviously a sign from above that I should have it. The only problem is that I can't think of a single quote from Dad. He said too much. He had an answer for everything. A wonderful trait I believe all of his children inherited. I "pull a LeRoy" pretty often, according to hubby. So Dad's legacy lives on, trying the patience of spouses everywhere.

Can't believe it's been 4 years today If you don't think 4 years is long, think of the difference in a child finishing 8th grade and a young man or woman finishing 12th. As I witnessed today, there's a huge difference.

This morning was Assumption's graduation ceremony. I attended to see many friends of Carter and children of dear friends celebrating with pomp and circumstance. I even got a little teary-eyed because I've known some of these "kids" since they were really kids.

As I experienced last year and many friends are experiencing this year, time keeps ticking on and we can't stop it nor slow it down. Yes, children can grow up in a blink of eye. And despite the trying teenage years, you will love them more with each passing minute.

We are generation of parents inordinately involved in our children's lives. We wouldn't dream of missing a game, a concert, a dance performance – if we can help it. Even with both parents working, one or both manages to find the time or make the time to participate or spectate if they have a flexible employer.

Just because I miss my dad dearly does not mean he was the perfect father to me. He worked hard and therefore had little time for basketball games and choir concerts. Doesn't mean he loved me any less. He was doing the best he could. But it took some time to figure that out. And thankfully I had many years with him to appreciate his efforts. And, of course, appreciate how smart he was (answer for everything!) and how friendly and funny.

Yup. Time keeps ticking on. We want to enjoy every minute with our children while we have them. Then, we become smart enough to realize what our parents went through to raise us, and we want more minutes with them.

Is there ever enough time? No. But we can treasure the minutes while we have them.

Trust me, those memories fill holes in the heart later on.

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