Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Locks in Freshness

I rarely endorse products in my blog, but I gotta give a shout out to Tupperware.

When I was alerted yesterday to the fact that our Annual Hedberg Cookie Exchange is just 10 days away, I figured I better get started on something. If you recall, each participant makes a plate of a dozen cookies or treats per person. So I could be making up plates for 8 people or maybe 15. Not sure yet. It seems like it sneaked up on us this year.

Since I like to have a few different kinds of goodies on the plates I give, last night I made my first round of treats. Can't tell you yet what they are. Don't the want to spoil the surprise.

As I was preparing to put them in the freezer for safe keeping, I was looking for my Tupperware container that I usually use. Not in the cupboard. Not in the fridge or freezer. When I went out into the garage and checked the deep freeze, sure enough there it was. Waaaaay down on the bottom, under some other frozen goods.

Guess what was inside?

That's right. LAST year's cookie exchange leftovers! 

I kept the container on the counter overnight so they could thaw. This morning, I tried one or two for breakfast and guess what? Just as Tupperware promises, it locked in the freshness. For 11 months! Seriously, they were still very tasty.

Don't worry. I won't pass them off as this year's treat. They will get consumed around here, one way or another. How did they last this long without getting eaten? Oh, I imagine I was either on my New Year's or Valentine's or Easter or spring or summer or fall or pre-holiday diet. One of those diets. So I bypassed them and they eventually got buried.

That won't happen this year. I will share them if I can't manage to eat them myself!

Probably fitting that with all this Christmas baking drama going on that there was Christmas music playing when I got to work. Just in our department. That lasted 'til about 8:03 a.m.

Not nearly as long as those 2016 cookies.

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