Wednesday, November 1, 2017

S.T.D. (Seasonal Transition Disorder)

It's uncanny how we flip the calendar from October to November and we go straight from Jack-O-Lanterns to Jack Frost. In one fell swoop, it's goodbye, Halloween; hello, Christmas.

Or in MY world, the transition from Pumpkin Spice to Eggnog – so aptly illustrated in my front yard this afternoon.

Yup. Flipping the calendar also meant jumping from fall to winter. I realize plenty of people have gotten snow already but nothing we've gotten has stuck the landing. Until today. It did not make the roads slippery or anything (yet), but it did make me in the mood for Christmas (I have 4 Hallmark movies DVR'd already) and baking and, yes, eggnog.

Did you know there is even a Pumpkin Spice Eggnog? That is probably delicious but oh so fattening! I still have Halloween candy left after getting only 5 trick-or-treaters last night, so I better ease into this seasonal transition.

I know Mr. Deck Chair isn't ready for it, either.

And I sent College Boy a picture of his car and he kindly requested we keep this white stuff to ourselves. Fine. We will.

I'll also keep my medication for my Seasonal Transition Disorder to myself!

Thanks for having my back (hips and love handles), Dr. Schwan.

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