Sunday, March 11, 2018

Happy Birthday, DST

Well happy birthday, Daylight Saving Time! Yup, this biannual tradition of trying to figure out how to change the clock in your car started in the U.S. in 1918.

Ben Franklin had actually proposed it centuries earlier to save us money on energy needs. Well I can tell you right now that energy is the first thing to go for this girl.

Granted, we stayed out late and got less than 8 hours of sleep last night. But still, I was ready to go to bed hours ago and it's still not 8 p.m. yet! At 6:30 I asked hubby why I'd want to go to bed when it was really only 5:30? It doesn't make sense but the spring time change always kicks my butt.

Apparently it's still been a long-standing rule centered around saving energy because you have more daylight hours. I guess I did have an energy spurt this afternoon when I went for a walk-run, but that was about it. Certainly not enough energy saved yet that I am ready to do my chores or organize my office.

Guess it takes a few days to adjust. Tomorrow will be ugly. By Wednesday, though, I should be whipping around the house like the March wind.

Or something.

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