Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Golfing Shark Doo Doo Doo

If you have kids, you have the insanely annoying Baby Shark song in your head. And now, thanks to me, it's your earworm before bed. Just change the momma shark to golf shark, doo doo doo doo doo...

Recognize me in my shark costume? No, I don't dress like this every day for work. But anything goes (just about) during our company's two-week United Way campaign.

Every department is doing what it can to raise money. We're talking bake sales and lunches and raffle baskets and crazy stuff like a miniature golf course. Hey, we're the Marketing Department. We had to be creative. And we are!

We divided our department into 9 teams and each team created a hole with a unique theme. Ours was a cross between Happy Gilmore and the San Jose Sharks since their center (Joe Pavelski) is from Stevens Point. And we have an autographed shirt we're raffling off. Thus the shark theme. (Thanks to my hockey mom friend Michelle for most of the hockey props!)

Two days this week and two days next week, co-workers can pay to play our Mini Tournament of Champions – named for our big Sentry TOC on Maui in January – and earn a chance to win Packer tickets and other prizes.

Here's a hole-by-hole view of our creativity in action...

 Hole 1: Under Construction

Hole 2: Under the Sea. ( I got a 6 on this one. Couldn't get the ball up the last ramp. Ha.)

Hole 3: Maui (Hole-in-one!)

Hole 4: The Nineties (Pac-Man meets New Kids on the Block)

No clubs here. Had to use a slingshot to get the ball in the hole on the NKOTB poster. I got it in 3 tries!

Hole 5: The Black Hole (pretty cool. Another hole-in-one for me)!

Hole 6: Surf's Up! (Loved the Beach Boys music here!)

Hole 7: Our United Way Shark Week!

Hole 8: Packers hole. I was the perfect Viking kicker and could not get the ball through the uprights. Need I say more?

Hole 9: Curling! We had to use a curling brush (official one) for the golf club. I got a 2 on this hole after I used the brush handle as a pool stick for my second shot.

Like I said, just about anything goes during United Way weeks! Ha. It IS a lot of crazy fun. And in the end, our company ends up raising over a million dollars for them. Now that is crazy amazing.

Sing about that! Money shark, doo doo doo doo doo...

You're welcome.

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