Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Penalty Kicks

Did I mention that dressing like a shark is the easy part of our United Way campaign? The hard part... trying to resist all the bake sales.

"It's for a good cause!"

You know how I love to bake. Well, I love to eat the baked goods just as much! No willpower to be found this week. You pay for a plateful and spread it out over days. I was successful in getting four meals out of this. Yes, you can't afford any other calories so cookies for breakfast are the norm this week.

And I'm not the only one. Believe me.

But I did feel pretty guilty and glutenous by the end of today. So I penalized myself by going to kickboxing. I know. You haven't heard me mention it in months. Because I have been too busy, er lazy, to go.

It did feel good to be back. And the kicking won't bother my pinky toe since we don't ever lead with that when we use proper form. Still, I tried to take it easy tonight.

Still, I was sweating like a pig. And still, I'll be cursing our instructor tomorrow because I anticipate aches and pains. I'm 50 now. I can't jump in and start kicking without paying the price. But it's better than kicking my scale and breaking another toe!

If I could just kick that willpower into gear, too.

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