Saturday, November 17, 2018

Deer Camp and Dough Camp

While the hunters in blaze orange were off looking for bucks, I was spending a few. They don't call it Dough Camp for nothing!

It was pretty full day for not really having any plans. Went to book club at the coffee shop, then stopped at a few local businesses to pick up some things I wanted but probably didn't need. I thought today was Small Business Saturday, but I think that comes after Black Friday. So I guess I was helping out early and definitely getting something in return!

This afternoon hubby and I visited his aunt and uncle in town. I had a feeling she'd have her Christmas village up already and she did not disappoint. I love it!

Puts me right in the holiday "spirit." Haha.

So does baking. (Dough Camp 2.0!) Got my cookies done now for the Cookie Bake / Exchange next Saturday. I won't show everything I made but I did try a new green and red (sort of) recipe today. Pistachio-Cranberry Cookies...

Wasn't sure they'd be sweet enough or pretty enough so I to drizzle some almond bark on them. Oh, they are really good. If anyone agrees, then I'll share the recipe. I am probably biased since I love, well, sugar. Anything sweet!

Tonight hubby (a 100% non-hunter) is out with some friends hopefully celebrating some of their successes. I think I still have time to start a Hallmark movie and get to bed at a decent time.

It's just how we do things at this camp, anyway.

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