Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Pumpkin Pie Eve

You know it's a good day off when you don't get around to showering until 5:45. That's P.M.

Oh, don't think I sat around the house all day. I cleaned. I baked three pumpkin pies (hope they taste as good as they look). Did some freelance work. And ran errands.

Yup. No shower or hair style (other than pony tail) and no makeup. And I ran errands. And naturally, I saw someone at every. Single. Stop. Oh goody. As I hugged my one girlfriend in Wal-Mart, though, she said, "That's OK, I haven't showered yet either."

I felt compelled to clean up for church and the Thanksgiving Eve Pie Social. I'm sure they're all grateful for that. Came home and hubby and I headed downtown to celebrate a friend's birthday. College Boy pulled into town after 9 p.m. so we had him stop by, too. I needed that hug! Sooooo wonderful to see him again after nearly 3 months!

Now he's off to see friends (yes, they do start plans at 11:30 at night) and we're hitting the hay. Just one more sleep 'til Pumpkin Pie Day. Oh, and I have to remember to do this...

I found that hilarious and entirely accurate. Pumpkin Pie is healthy. That whipped cream, though. Gotta have it!

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