Wednesday, November 28, 2018

If You're Cold, They're Cold

I was a little startled this morning to find out the temps were only in the single digits. It is still autumn, after all.

What I found entertaining – with a warm cup of coffee in my hands – was that we had a heat index today. Real temperature is 2 degrees but it FEELS like 10 degrees. Plus it's sunny. Heat wave! Just glad I remembered to wear a coat today. I don't always think about it because I go from warm house into cool garage in the morning and start up the car right away. It's a luxury now that I think about it. I really feel bad for people who have to work outside in this.

Or those who might not have a warm place to go. They are out there. Correct that. They are out here.

Was impressed this evening to see these scarves tied to the railings in front of our library in town. I've noticed the library is one of the few places in town that a person of needs can go to get out of the elements and not have to buy anything. They can read a book or newspaper quietly and stay warm in the process.

Each scarf contains the following tag and message:

I am not lost or forgotten,
I have been made and placed here
by Wisconsin Rapids Rotary 
Special Needs Boy Scouts #105.
I am here to make your winter warmer
and your day a little brighter.
If you need a winter scarf, please take me home.

Not sure who is in charge of this project, but thank you! Thank you for thinking of others. Thank you for recognizing a problem and providing a helpful solution. Thank you for caring.

We could all learn a thing or two from your actions. And maybe do the same!

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