Tuesday, May 21, 2019

I Will Come Back to You

There were literally half a dozen activities on my calendar this afternoon and evening. I was going to start with golf league and juggle as many of the others as I could – softball, baseball, church meetings. But then one appointment trumped all others.

The calling to be with a grieving friend.

This evening at 5 p.m. they held a mass at St. Vincent's to honor the memory of our friend Greg. His wife (and my dear girlfriend) Brenda and one son were there – flanked by a dozen close friends. We didn't tell Brenda we were coming. We didn't expect her to talk or visit with us. We just knew this first major outing to remember her soul mate was going to be hard. Beyond hard. We merely wanted her to feel our presence, love, and support.

It was fitting that the gospel reading was from John 14. Part of it is shown above – a great reminder that we should feel peace and we shouldn't be afraid to hurt, to feel anger, feel lonely, to wonder what comes next.

The verses after 27 go on to say: You heard me tell you, "I am going away and I will come back to you." If you loved me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Father...

Yes, our dear friend has gone away but he will come back to Brenda and the kids and all of us... through the mirror-like mannerisms of his sweet boys, through the same smile and eyes in his adorable daughter, through the endless memories Brenda and our close-knit group will cry about and eventually laugh about some day.

The reading response tonight was equally fitting: Your friends make known, O Lord, the glorious splendor of your kingdom. 

Now it's our duty as friends to make known to Greg's surviving family that he is in a glorious place and looking down on them and loving them – sending smiles, hugs, and secrets signs that he is with them today and always.

How blessed we all are to be touched by such friendship and love. Thank you, God. And take good care of Nut, will you?

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