Sunday, May 19, 2019

Just Going For It

If you don't like where you are in life, change your location. If you don't like the direction you're headed, change direction. If you don't like who you are, change.

Nope, not easy. But worth it. Just ask our nephew Tony.

He came to live with us 2 1/2 years ago and decided it was time for a change. To accomplish what he needed to, he decided to enroll in the nearby technical school here and, most importantly, stick with it. There were some close calls when it was too stressful to balance a school and work load, but he did it!

And today we got to celebrate his completion in the Machine Tool Technician program!

The ceremony this afternoon was at the SentryWorld fieldhouse (indoors, thankfully, will all the rain pounding on the roof). They needed a bigger venue this year because they were doing one graduation for all four MSTC campuses: Wisconsin Rapids, Stevens Point, Marshfield, and Adams. Hundreds of graduates from age 18 to 63. Pretty amazing.

Proud parent moment for my twin Raylene and her hubby Steve.

And proud uncle and aunt moment for Jim and me!

Of course, there's only one way to celebrate such an accomplishment...

King Cone!!

Plus it was on the way back to Tony's place and we didn't have time for a lunch since Raylene and Steve had to hit the road and head back Up North, where they had snow today. Keep it up there, please.

There's a whole lot of graduations, celebrating and cake going on in the coming week, too. Thanks for kicking off the fun, Tony. Congrats!

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