Friday, September 6, 2019

Friday Night Lights

Definitely football feels tonight! Had the very cool temperatures – at least sweatshirts required – and early darkness so we could play under the Friday night lights!

Assumption was playing host to Thorp, who I thought were the Thorpedos but I guess they're the Cardinals. For the first half, our Royals answered every score. Going into the lockers at halftime, it as 22-14 with the torpedoing Cardinals in the lead.

Then the second half, they really were like torpedoes and somehow crushed us, ending up taking a 48-20 victory.

For my own small victory, I was testing out a different lens on my camera and I conclude it will work well once I get used to its focusing behavior, etc. That's boring talk for you. I need sleep so I can use it on a few seniors Saturday!

Time to turn out my Friday night lights.

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