Monday, September 30, 2019

Game On and On

We're a gaming family. Not the Play Station or XBox type but the board game variety – and cards of all varieties.  So it's only natural we'd have some game time at sister weekends. Usually games we created just for the purpose of Wild Women's Weekend. I've crafted a few over the years – everything from Bingo to Family (or Sister) Feud. This year's was the putzy-est.

I recently saw a customized version of Monopoly and thought two things. One: That would be cool to do a sister version. And two: I don't have time to do this!

Oh and three: Oh what the heck? How important is sleep?

So I whipped this together over a few nights last week and created new squares for every "property" on the board (a find at Goodwill). My Sisteropoly didn't involve buying property but paying with information, thoughts, and actions. Every street had a name to match ideas. If you landed on Wild Woman Way, you'd have to sing a few lines of a song with the word "woman" in it. If you landed on Dear Ol' Dad Drive, you'd share a trait you share with Dad. And so on.

Interspersed for fun were Do You Remember cards in place of Community Chest. These came from some get-to-know-you box I got a gift shop once. I also replaced the railroads with Curse Cards from the game Curses. You land on this and you had to do whatever the card said... for the rest of the game. One sister had to talk like a leprechaun every time she talked. Another had to pretend to be on a CB. You can imagine we pretty much laughed so hard we couldn't breathe!

And we had our Wonder Woman game pieces, too, labeled R1, R2, R3, etc for our many R names. And for the record, even though we're all competitive, there wasn't a clear winner. Just all of us having fun.

There were many other creative activities from my sisters. It's just a thing in our family, I guess!

And fun selfies, of course! I can't take a straight one to save my life. Ha. Rayna (aka R1) and me.

R7 and R8 with the wild things in the Northwoods!

My SKOL sistah and chocolate mint ice cream fan RoAnn (aka R4).

Straight selfie – thanks to a selfie stick. LOL. I do own one for sister weekend only!

And I got my own "senior portrait" done, too. Yup. I'm over 50 so I'm close to a senior!

Yup. We pretty much entertain ourselves. Who else would understand?

Not many. We're OK with that.

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