Sunday, September 1, 2019


Apparently cat ages are far more complicated than a dog's. Maybe it's the nine lives thing. Either way, we've survived a senior cat and now have a geriatric one. Yep, Princess Poops-A-Lot is 15 years old today. Or in human years, about 76.

Seems old, but as hubby pointed out, Sylvester is still faster than either of us. When she's not sleeping that is.

And like every 15-year-old, she's perfected the eye roll that says, "Really? You're taking my picture? Now? While I'm trying to nap?"

It was probably wise we left her alone for the afternoon so she could sleep uninterrupted and we could grill out and pig out with friends. Our friends were in town from the Racine area so we gathered with that gang and enjoyed good company and mostly pleasant weather. Got rained on just  a bit.

On the drive home, it was dark at 8 p.m. Yup, September is here and summer is unofficially gone. Still have one more day this weekend to get "summer" projects done.

Or I could live the geriatric cat life for a day and sleep on it.

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