Wednesday, November 13, 2019

God Bless Designated Drivers

When you have to go to Milwaukee and back on the same day, it's so nice when you don't have to be in the driver's seat – especially when the morning commute looked something like this for the first half hour.

Blowing snow. Big time. Not a fan at all! God bless our three designated drivers who got our group of 11 down and back safely. It was mostly clear for 2 hours of the drive down. Then mid- to late afternoon there were slippery moments, lights flashing, cars spun out... but we got back to Stevens Point just fine.

The client we were visiting has a great view out their window. I'm sure in the summer, it's gorgeous seeing Lake Michigan just beyond those buildings.  Even driving past Miller Park, we still couldn't envision anything but winter. Yuck.

Got back in town to join my Girls' Night Out group for dinner. They meet monthly and I usually can join them maybe 2 or 3 times a year. Since my scrap sister and girlfriend Jenny (above) just had a birthday, I didn't want to miss the chance to celebrate a bit. And by celebrate, we mean drinking ice water and eating chicken strips. These are what wild girls' nights are like these days.

Plus, I didn't need a designated driver to get home. Though it would have been nice for some of those slushy spots.

Is it too soon to say I hate winter?

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