Thursday, November 14, 2019

It's in my DNA

One sure way to distract hubby and me is offering free access to a genealogy website. It's one of those hobbies you can ignore for months at a time, then suddenly you get back into it for a night. And 3 hours later wonder what where the evening went.

If you do family tree work, the site is Free access until Nov. 19. However, it is a site hosted by some New England group, so this Midwest girl hasn't had any luck with matching searches. Even immigration records. So...

Here I am with nothing to show for it. After 3 hours. EXCEPT I also got an email from, who I did my DNA test through a few years back, and they said my DNA results are updated. I was a bit suspicious since I hadn't sent in a new spit sample. Turns out their methods for interpreting results have improved and so my results have an updated interpretation.

No real changes other than that small 6% or 11% or whatever that was "possibly other European" is now gone. I am 100% Scandinavian! Which, based on my family tree work is a fact.

Interesting that the new interpretation has me more Norwegian than Swede, but in real life I am 75% Swede and 25% Norwegian. Also... the new possibility that I am 7% Finnish will have my dad rolling in his grave.

I honest to god (or Valhalla), heard him talk about "those goofy Finlanders" once when I was growing up. Ha. My dad had opinions.

I guess that's in my DNA, too! No need for some expensive DNA kit to tell you that.

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