Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Cat-O Diet

I learned something new today based on kitty's annual checkup. First of all, she's 15 years old – a geriatric in cat years – so I shouldn't really call her "kitty." Even though the vet says she's so healthy there's no way she could be 15!

The second thing I realized is that all this time I thought the new diet faze was the Keto Diet, when it's actually the Cat-O Diet. Here's proof...

Wouldn't you love it if in the past 8 years you only gained one pound?! That's insane. Actually jealous of the princess.

Apparently, I need to try a steady diet of boring dry food and no treats. Absolutely no treats. It works for her! Probably would work for me, too. But it doesn't sound like a lot of fun, does it?

No shame in being a little fluffy. That also works for her!

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