Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Right to Bear Masks

A little primary election day humor for you. If we can laugh yet. I'm not going to spout my political opinions. Just recording some events so when I look back at this someday I'll remember what the chaos was about.

Obviously with COVID-19 and Stay At Home orders, the health of Wisconsin residents is top of mind when it comes to our state government officials. Not sarcastic. I believe they care. But they, much like the federal government, don't know what to do. The problem is that when they finally make a decision, it comes a little too late.

Yesterday afternoon, our governor declared the spring primary scheduled for TODAY would be postponed to June 9. Then, within mere hours, our state Supreme Court overruled the governor's mandate so the election was back on.

If you can imagine municipal clerks notifying their election workers of the status change at the last minute. Then having to call them back 2 hours later, "Nope, that was a false alarm. I still need you tomorrow." My sister is a town clerk up north and can attest this whole election process has been insane. Yesterday just added to it.

So today, thousands of voters went to the polls and bravely or stupidly (I count among them) exercised their right to vote... and wear masks and gloves and BYOP. (Bring Your Own Pen.) Our polling place had a nice setup for the workers to be safely behind plexiglass. And the polling stations were 6 feet apart, too. They did what they could to make it a safe environment. Based on the fact there was no line at all when I went at my lunch time, I suspect the participation numbers are way down. Lots of absentee ballots, sure, but a lot of people just opted to stay home in their bubble. I don't fault them.

I had my mask and my invisible powers and I did my duty.

I don't know how much protection is afforded me. But dang, purple gets my vote any day!

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