Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Missing Piece

After a week of putzing on my 750-piece puzzle a little each evening, I finally completed it after supper! I was admiring my work when I realized one of the pieces was missing. What? It was new out of the box! How could they only include 749 pieces?!

I searched around in case it was on the floor (which I had swept earlier and didn't see it then) or under a rug or chair cushion. Nope, no, and no. Then, remembering who I'm married to, I texted hubby and asked: "Are you holding my last puzzle piece hostage?"

Sure enough. I found it right where he hid it! What a stinker!

But you know, it still looked beautiful even with the piece missing. The table color helped it blend in and you might not have noticed if I hadn't pointed it out.

That's how I've been trying to handle my days during this lockdown. Even if one little thing is off – like accidentally waking up for the day at 7 this morning (yowza) – it doesn't mean the whole day is ruined.

By getting up early, I got started in the basement before church, then watched Palm Sunday service on Facebook Live, then headed back downstairs. Two more garbage bags full and that quadrant of the basement is done. We're talking impressive organization and open spaces. I'm pretty proud of myself.

Of course, there's a big pile in the area I cleaned last weekend because it's waiting to go to Goodwill. I suspect that won't be open for another month at the rate things are going. So it'll sit there in waiting. But it's still progress.

Just like my puzzle. A little each night so I can appreciate the progress.

Right down to that last missing piece!

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