Friday, April 17, 2020

Bird Watching

It's a sure sign of spring around our house when you can hear the birds chirping outside and Sylvester demands a window seat so she can watch them. It wasn't quite warm enough to have a window open all day, but in 10 minutes, she saw her fill of feathered friends!

Turkey Lurkey all by himself, social distancing from the brood, I guess.

Squawking Mr. Blue Jay who Blue Jay Drive is named after, I'm sure!

Mz. Round Robin... Obviously she's gaining the quarantine 15!

And then there's Red, who wouldn't sit still long enough for me to get a good photo.

Maybe tomorrow when it's much nicer out I can actually sit outside and get a closer view myself. Kitty can still watch from the inside. She's not made for the wilds of our yard, that's for sure!

It is supposed to be close to 60 degrees tomorrow. We were going to grill out tonight, but we'll wait until our nice spring day Saturday. Instead, we ordered delivery from a local bar and grill called Mo's. We happen to know the owner's family and as it turns out, two of my "adopted daughters" were working delivery tonight.

Look at this sweet note on the takeout container. Now that's a special delivery! Hubby had a delish perch fish fry and I had a fantastic coconut shrimp dinner. It's fun to support local businesses when the delivery girl's a sweetie and the food is amazing!

My evening was topped off with a Zoom call with my Royal circle of girlfriends Brenda-squared, Michelle, and Kelly. We talked for 2 hours about everything and nothing. It was so great to SEE them!

My weekend's pretty much made and it's only Friday. Nice.

Hope we can all get out and catch some sun and fresh air tomorrow! Relax and enjoy!

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