Saturday, May 16, 2020

Back to Nature

With a 70+ degree high for today, we spent as much time outside that we could. First was the non-fun stuff, of course. Mowing, clipping, and removing a crap ton of overgrowth and vines in the backyard.

What did I have to show for it? Well about 2 dozen scratches at least on my arms and legs. And most of this trailer load for the compost site.

That earned me an afternoon on the water with our friends and an evening in the water of my bathtub with epsom salts.

A little windy but mostly sunny and nice on Nepco Lake. Saw lots of kayakers, jetskiers, and boaters out today.

Cindy, Mike, and Jim social distancing appropriately. When the waves didn't throw us all together.

Turtle sunning and napping like a cat.

Swan and geese resting nearby. I wanted to paddle closer, but I've been on the receiving end of hissing geese and it's not pleasant. So zoomed in and tried my best.

Mike and Cindy cooperating with a smile.

My long-haired, bearded husband, not so much. He's not a friend of my camera.


"Get in line, kids! Crazy woman with a camera in the kayaks!"

And off they go. Cute.

Other ducks on the shoreline.

And that was about it for wildlife. Not the season yet for tons of flowers. Still, it was just nice – wonderful, actually – to be out and visit with our friends, too.

Glad we could squeeze in work and play today. Tomorrow promises to be rainy and dreary. Sounds like a good day to do nothing, if you ask me!

Hope you enjoyed some spring time today, too!!

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