Thursday, May 14, 2020

Thatch Just Dandy

As someone with two black thumbs, it's some kind of miracle that my hanging flowers are still alive after this week of cold nights and frosty mornings. I'm so impressed, I'm high-fiving myself.

But I can't hold all the bragging rights in this house. My husband has a natural gift in lawncare. With just a little TLC, he's been able to grow a bumper crop of dandelions! Applause for him, too! His methods may be top secret, but I'll fill you in on how it works...

Step 1 is de-thatching. I thought it was thatching but apparently the neighbor just used a thatching blade on his mower so he could de-thatch and Jim could gather up the discarded thatch. Make sense? We've never done this but thought we'd give it a try in parts of the front yard.

And the area west of the driveway that was seriously dead and thatch-ful. So they not only de-thatched, but Jim dropped some grass seed there as well two weeks ago.

Step 2: Water regularly. We didn't water the whole front yard, just the most needy section. So at least once a day, he's been doing that. So there has been some legwork involved. You can see it didn't take long for some green grass to start sprouting.

And some flowers trying to steal the spotlight from my flowers.

Step 3: Enjoy a good killing frost. Now I'm serious that this picture (above) was taken on Tuesday.

And today, Thursday, look at this grass and the dandy crop of dandelions! That Jim Austin is a talent!

He's not home right now so I don't know if he wants to hire himself out for yard work or landscaping, but l can understand how he'll be in high demand once word gets out. Maybe just try his successful steps here on your own. Just don't tell him you heard it from me.

Happy gardening!

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