Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Find Joy in the Little Things

It's Quarantine Day 141 so now we've passed on that "40" number and can continue on with life. Today,  I concentrated on finding joy in the little things. Yes, I had to work, but it's still a reasonable feat.

My work-related joy was that I got to see some co-workers I haven't seen since March 4 as we toured a building we have to write and produce marketing video for. See those ladder stairs up the third floor? Guess who's deathly afraid of heights but still climbed them without passing out?

This girl! And doesn't mine King Cone mask go great with a hard hat? It's like I take my hard ice cream very seriously!!

After the tour, I stopped at a co-worker's house on the way back to Rapids. She's been growing cut flowers this summer and I ordered a "curbside pickup" of a small bouquet (see top photo) to give to my friend Cindy for her birthday today. Aren't they pretty?

Then my final joy, besides getting 10,000 steps today, was this find at Wal-Mart...

Oh yes I did buy it! Too soon for the season? Yes. Too soon for my favorite flavor? No.

Plus, it will help me find joy in the mornings to come!

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