Thursday, July 9, 2020

Rain Dance

Whoever prayed for the rain, you must have some powerful connection to the Man Upstairs AND Mother Nature. And please, may I give you my prayer list?

Seriously, if you have that kind of pull, I've got at least 4 cancer cases I've been praying on, plus some MS, pancreatitis, fibromyalgia, a few addictions here and there, some tough financial situations, plus emotional and mental health issues. It's a wonder God has time to listen to anyone else besides me!

But I do appreciate the rain. Even though it broke my streak of getting 10,000 steps every day since my birthday (OK, 10 days in a row, but still), my flowers are happy. Our lawn is happy. My dusty vehicle is, too.

So I'll give you a pass this once. But certainly let me know if you want my list. I can just give you first names. God already knows their burdens. I'm sure He'll get back on the job now that Mother Nature's done nagging him about how hot and dry it is.

Amen, sister!

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