Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Keeping the Dreaded Streak Alive

If you're wondering where I've been the last few days, it's been a pretty simple but sad series of events...

Yesterday, I grabbed my baseball popcorn and had a Playoffs & Popcorn lunch. And though I couldn't watch much of the game due to work, I saw enough to groan at my Twins losing their 17th straight postseason game. Dumb, dumb error in the 9th. That's all it took. 

Today, the game started at noon so I had an extra "work" monitor set up in my office. Yes, you must know that it is a lot of work to be a Twins fan in the postseason. See paragraph above for reference. Today's game was filled with unfulfilled opportunities. And, yes, dumb mistakes again. In my opinion. So the Astros won again, eliminating the Twins from the playoffs. And they didn't even have to cheat to do it!

So if anyone's available to play Taps, I'll need you for the flag lowering and removal ceremony. I was going to do it today, but it has to dry from my tears, er, the rain!

Jim's Reds also lost today, but it was only their Game 1. "Don't lump me in with your losing team!" 

While my Twins set a record of now the 18th postseason loss in a row, the Reds-Braves game set records for longest playoff game without a score – was zero-zero until the Braves won in the 13th inning. And the game featured more total strikeouts than the World Series back in 1990 (when the Reds won it).

So we're just setting records all over the place!

To celebrate (aka drown my sorrows), I stopped at DQ for a Pumpkin Pie Blizzard. Guess what sign was hanging above the order window? Oh just some notice about a national pumpkin shortage due to COVID-19. Say what?!? So no pumpkin anything for this girl. Not in this one-patch town anyway.

Just kick me when I'm down, coronavirus. Let's keep the 2020 streak alive, too.

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