Monday, September 14, 2020

Paging Doctor Feel Good

It's already been a year since Robyn-san succumbed to the healing powers of Mr. Miyagi. Or known locally as Dr. Feel Good. It was time for a tune-up.

Except Doc is on a well-deserved break for a while, so I got his equally knowledgeable partner, who I could call Dr. Feel Good Jr. But after seeing his huge size, I opted for Dr. Feel Good 2.0. And he was just as effective as the original version.

If you don't recall last year's adventure, picture the end of the original Karate Kid movie when Mr. Miyagi did some voodoo magic trick on the injured Daniel-san to fix his leg enough so he could return to the tournament and kick butt. It's some sort of unique Eastern bodywork modality. And these two docs know it.

And it works.

My massage therapist was telling me the last few visits that I should see him again. There are things that massage and chiropractic visits just don't do. So I called Friday and as luck would have it, they had a cancelation and subsequent opening for today after work.

So today was alternative holistic medicine Monday.

I knew from last time, it was going to be painful. The guy is basically rearranging every out-of-whack bone, muscle, and nerve in your body, after all. But you mothers know how we tend to forget the pain of childbirth? Same concept. I underplayed it in my mind because I knew how good I felt afterward. But once again, I found myself breathing Lamaze – hard – to get through it.

Between a desk job at the computer and fun stuff like golf, kayaking, and photography, my back, neck, even forearms are a wreck. After the close to crying and howling as he re-worked those areas, I have my full range of motion back in my neck and, based on the pain level, I think he reversed any potential onset of carpal tunnel in my wrist and arms. Uff da.

My lower back, legs, and hips feel looser and better, too!

Needless to say, for 45 minutes, I felt like I was hit by a truck and run over a few times. But dang, the spendy treatment was worth it. And I should be good for another year.

Keeping hydrated now and running water for an epsom salt bath. Hoping to wake up with Mötley Crüe's Dr. Feelgood in my head. And actually feel it! 

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