Friday, September 11, 2020

Never Forget

I love this quote from the wife of the Flight 93 pilot. It's like every year we say "Never forget" the tragedy, how short life is, and how strong we are when we come together as friends, neighbors, a country.

Yet we forget.

And did we learn the lesson that life is short and there is no time for hate?

Not really, either. Well, not in 2020 anyway.

On the one hand, you'd think we'd never want to see the destruction like the ash-filled landscape of what was once the foundation of the Twin Towers. Yet, fast forward 19 years...

Here's a picture my niece snapped today while traveling through Kenosha, where several weeks ago there was a black man shot several times in the back by a police officer. The scene is not terrorist destruction. More like self-imposed. Protesting one thing, but acting out in another way. 

So tragically and needlessly sad.

I cheered myself up by focusing on love today. Yes, well, it was shooting pictures of tennis again. But even standing in the sprinkling rain, there was joy. Competitive, yes. Hate, no. We can take a lead from that.

Surely we don't want a repeat of what happened 19 years ago just to learn a lesson on care and respect for our fellow man. It's just not that hard.

Hug your loved ones (if it's safe to do so) and air embrace everyone else. We can do this!


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