Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Gratitude Challenge Day 2 :: Smiles

Day 2 of the 25-day Gratitude Challenge asks us to name something that makes us smile. Well that's a lot of things for me. So I'm combining last year's A to Z gratitude challenge with this year's since I can easily think of 26 things.

Day 2. Something that makes you smile.

Amazon. There's always something good in the Amazon box – even if it's a gift for someone else or a heating element for the stove. Their logo is so appropriate! And don't forget you can support your favorite charity through Amazon Smile. Look into it. I've supported the Emily Klopotek Angel Foundation 71 times already. Which I should be embarrassed about since that reflects a certain level of Amazon shopping!

Babies. Well when they're sleeping or eating or babbling or laughing. Not necessarily the screaming fit part.

Casey, Clay and Carter. Love our boys! Just smiling at the blessing of the brown-eyed bandits.

Doggies. Because they're such big sweeties. Yes they are! 

Eagles. I both smile and say "wow" a lot.

Fonts. Call me a graphic designer geek, but I love my fonts!

Golf. Just kidding. I smile maybe a third of the time and curse the other two-thirds. On average.

Hallmark movies. Always, always, always a happy ending.

Ice cream. Except during brain freeze.

Jim. Usually. 

Kayaking. So peaceful. So far away from every stressor in life. Just smile in contentment.

Laughing. Scientifically proven that you'll smile when you laugh. Even when you're laughing so hard, you can't breathe, you're still smiling. I guess breathing isn't a requirement.

Mom. Oh my gosh, my mom is so clever. I can always count on her for a good pun!

Nieces and nephews. Love seeing them. They make my heart smile!

Old friends. Even if we haven't seen each other in one week or "ages," we hug and smile and pick up the conversation where we left off. What a blessing.

Picture-perfect picture. Maybe it's prideful, but I do enjoy when a photograph turns out the way I wanted it to.

Queen's English. After watching a few series on Netflix, I still can't help but giggle when I hear the Queen's English – and laugh at myself for having the subtitles on to understand it!

R people. Love my R people. Now that we're older, my siblings mostly make me smile.

Scrapbooking. The best therapy. Lots of concentration but also a lot of laughs and joyful trips down memory lane. 

Talking to my boy. Will forever be a treat!

Upbeat music. Especially of the '80s variety. You can't change me!

Vacation! Oh yes, especially the ones in the past 5 years: Maui, Scandinavia, Germany, Alaska, and Blue Jay Drive.

Wicked. And other broadway musicals. But I'm mostly excited about Wicked... and seeing it again in just 3 more sleeps!

Xmas. OK I really cheated there. But everything about Christmas makes me smile!

YouTube. Try it. You'll find something to laugh about. Every. Single. Day.

'Za. OK I cheated again. But nothing brings a smile like that first bite of pizza! After recovering from burning the roof of your mouth, that is.

Thanks for smiling along with me today!


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