Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Gratitude Challenge Day 9 :: Challenges

Every day I read the challenge, I have a handful of answers at the tip of my tongue. Then I remember it's a gratitude challenge so it should be something I'm thankful for. That takes some deeper thinking. That's tough to do when big challenge is adjusting to the end of Daylight Saving Time! Uff da. 

Day 9. Something that challenges you.

Challenges me besides this gratitude challenge? Plenty of things challenge me – losing weight, saving money, not saving clutter, etc. A challenge I enjoy, though, is my photography and design work. And combining the two.

Since I'm a writer by trade (well, career) and those two skills don't come naturally, it's not easy work. It's challenging, but in a good way. Always looking for that next great shot.

It's loving the challenge of looking down a tunnel and envisioning what you can do with the light at the end of it.

It's embracing the challenge of freezing that split second of action – in progress.

It's the challenge of capturing emotion in the most unlikely places. 

It's the challenge of harnessing the Golden Hour light to bring out someone's natural beauty.

It's the challenge of getting 6 teenage boys to smile simultaneously so I can shine a spotlight on them their senior year. (Schedule posters coming soon!)

I'm grateful for every aspect of these opportunities to improve my skills and continue to have fun with it. I love it! No challenge there. Say "cheese"!


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