Thursday, November 4, 2021

Gratitude Challenge Day 4 :: Unnoticed

This Gratitude Challenge is getting interesting. It's actually making me think. Beyond work hours. Uff da.

Day 4. Someone that goes unnoticed.

I can tell you right now there are plenty of "populations of people" like Flo who go unnoticed in their jobs. Until they do something wrong that is. Or aren't there.

These days it's a common sight to see businesses limiting hours or closing because they don't have enough workers. I don't know where all the employees went, but I don't see people lined up to take jobs where their work goes unnoticed. I guess it takes a pandemic to make us realize who is essential. And I don't fall into the population of people who are, that's for sure.

So I'm grateful for them – for you – all. 

I will practice patience when the new waiter forgets to come back with my coveted side of ranch. Then takes forever to bring the check. It was his first day or week on the job. I'm glad he was there.

I will not get agitated sitting for an extra 20 minutes in the waiting room at lunch for a flu shot that takes two seconds to administer. I bet those essential nurses and everybody else at the hospital are at their wits' end, too. Overworked. Understaffed. And impatient patients. God bless you all for what you have done and keep doing day after day.

And when I wait in line at the drive-thru at the coffee shop, I'm so grateful a new locally owned business started and thrived through this pandemic – even on a day when a competitive major chain opened their doors today. So I guess I'm also grateful there's good coffee all over town now!

I appreciate all of you working behind the scenes to make life easier for others. Thanks for being there.


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