Thursday, June 16, 2022

Think Pink

Crazy that after all the wicked storms went though last evening, we were treated to blue skies and a sunset with a touch of pink. Even though I'm facing southeast from our front deck, it was sunset colors. Better than the green skies earlier anytime!

Pink was the theme today, too. Had golf league after work – yes it's my third time golfing this week but this actually MY league night rather than a sub night. My co-worker and cart partner Nancy and I were twinning in pink today.

I said we could consider ourselves pretty in pink tonight. Playing pretty awful at times, but having a pretty good time! 

Our only weather-related issue as the wind. We saw it push the golf balls around mid-air if they got to high at just the right moment. Made it pretty tricky. But at least it was raining or 97 degrees. Just nice at 80.

Tonight I was actually the only Thursday night regular. But had a blast with the 3 co-workers from our marketing department. Skill is not mandatory, but fun is!

Got home by 8:30 and I am ready for bed! Fresh air plus three straight days in the office make Robyn a tired girl. Good thing tomorrow's a work-from-home day so I can sleep in. Comparatively speaking.

Sweet dreams!

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