Tuesday, June 14, 2022

When You're Hot, You're Hot

Leave it to a heat wave to overshadow news of my first day back in the office in 2 years, 3 months, and 1 week!

But I guess I can't say I did anything newsworthy – or even vaguely productive – today. My desk was still sitting there like March of 2020 when I was excited to go on vacation to Seattle and Bellingham.

And there were items on my desk – and my desk chair (Hello, Inflatable Hulk) – that I don't know how they got there. At least I didn't any food growing mold or anything. 

I still didn't get everything organized. Took a while to set up my computer with a different system and, well, SEE PEOPLE!! Then after work it was time for golf league. That's when I noticed it was warm in Stevens Point and apparently in Rapids, too!

They called Wisconsin Rapids the "warm" spot.

If a heat index of 102 is just on the "warm" side, that is! Crazy huh? And tomorrow this will all develop into severe stormy weather. Uff da.

But golf league was fun and didn't seem too hot thanks to a breeze. We had a good time. I was subbing for someone and we needed another sub. For our league, they can only be company employees. Well it just so happens that one of my favorite Vikings fans is an intern this summer so he qualifies AND he was available.

I'll just call Trent my adoptive nephew since his mother and her sisters are like sisters to me! We had fun. He's in college and can drive the ball a mile. My two co-workers were like "He can come back anytime – especially when we have a scramble. He'll be our ringer!"

He also inspired me to shoot my best round of the season so far. When you're hot, you're hot! It's only the 6th one so maybe I can improve even more from there. Either way. It's always great to be golfing at the gorgeous SentryWorld course with great people!

Now I need to shower and then see if I missed anything on Days of Our Lives today. Just another back-to-the-office adjustment!

Be careful out there!

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