Thursday, August 18, 2022

Blind Squirrel League

Wearing glasses since kindergarten, I can confirm that I was close to nearly legally blind when I had lasik surgery years ago and my eyes went from 20/400 to 20/20. So it's no surprise I have since gone on to prove that even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.

Yes, of course I'm talking about my inconsistent golf game. Which surprisingly has been on the up-swing this week. Pun intended. You know me.

My game is inconsistent except for the consistent double-bogey theme which keeps my 9-hole score in the 50s. However, my blind squirrel side gets pars now and then and tonight in league I finally broke the seal and dipped down into the 40s. Doesn't matter how far down, just that the first number is a 4!

Did a little happy squirrel dance over that.

Hope I can keep the momentum going for my 4th golf outing this week, which will be the Assumption Football Scramble on Saturday – which also happens to be the day they predict rain and thunderstorms, darn it. 

Mother Nature, you should know not to mess with the squirrels!

Be careful out there.

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