Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Remembering Thou Art Great

Sometimes, when we remember to look up, we see amazing things. For example, when we stayed at a historic type hotel recently, this was the what the chandelier looked like from below. In this case, a circle of light. Sometimes we see, or feel rather, a circle of love. A circle of friends. A circle of strength.

We look up and see God.

On Sunday when my sister and I were in church, the hymn How Great Thou Art was played. I turned to her and said I always cry at this song because I think of Grandma Hedberg and our dad. We sang it at her funeral and it was the first time I saw Dad cry. Rayna said she cries too because this was played at her husband Paul's funeral this spring as well. 

Even though the song should make us rejoice that our loved ones are reunited with God – "then sings my soul" –  it's still a tear jerker. But oh so powerful and a good reminder that His love surrounds us at all times – even in death, anger, and sorrow.

It's been an emotional week. A friend's 20-year-old son died unexpectedly from a brain aneurysm. Only 20! An Eagle Scout and volunteer firefighter going to school to be a police officer. Why him, God? His whole life ahead of him. Why him and why now?

The worst part about professing to have a strong faith is accepting God's will without understanding it sometimes. Well, a LOT of times. All we can do then is pray that He'll encircle the grieving brother and parents with love and support. And do our part to help that effort too.

On a positive note, I've seen God work miracles too. In recent days, I've welcomed a new great-nephew and new great-niece to my life. And I've seen God's healing touch work to heal a family member in pain, and chase away evil cancer cells in a friend's college-age son – and a girl I took senior photos of tonight!

When I first met Hannah, about 12 years ago, my nephew Colin had a sticker on this car to support her fight with leukemia. 

Despite her battles, she was smiling even then.

And tonight, a few weeks after another "cancer free" report, she was smiling again during our senior photo shoot. What a miracle and blessing to be a part of it. 

Looking up, I say, "That was you, God." How great Thou art, indeed.

May you all find the circle of light, love, and strength you need today!

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