Thursday, February 23, 2023

Before and After Olive

It makes sense that they named a winter storm after something I don't like anyway. Olives. The flakes are still coming down lightly here in Central Wisconsin but early reports indicate we probably are the 9-10 inches of snow line here by Rapids.

I was thinking ahead and took before and after pictures. Well, almost thinking ahead. It had snowed a bit Tuesday so the ground was even more bare earlier in the day.

To think this was late February is pretty unbelievable, isn't it?

And then now...

A little bit more on trend with typical Wisconsin winters. And the roads were still crappy-ish when I went into town after work. Ahhh, winter. You've returned. With bells on.

Since school was canceled again today there are no local sports tonight. So I have plenty of time to pack up for Camp Crop-A-Lot. This year I pretty much just have to unplug my computer and accessories, place them nicely in my vehicle and go.

Though of course the back seat will still be full of "stuff" I have to have with. This happens every year even though I know I'm wearing my same comfy outfit all weekend! Good intentions.

And my back feels better thanks to some extra special ointment. Hoping I get through the weekend OK. I got a free pass from shoveling anyway.

If you're out and about, be careful out there!

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