Thursday, February 9, 2023

Closing In

I set foot in the Assumption gym tonight for the first time in 2023. That felt odd. Where did January go?

I guess they played at home when I was gone on my cruise, then played on the road since I've been back. Tonight, our Lady Royals hosted Abbotsford. After winning in OT on Tuesday night, we just sneaked past Abby tonight for another win – this time a close 43-41 victory. Whew.

If I have my calculations correct, this means we've earned a share of the conference title. I believe if Auburndale loses Friday night then we win the conference outright. But don't take my word on that. Let the actual sports experts weigh in. I'm just the hired help.

Either way, it's been fun seeing our girls have another successful season, despite a key injury here and there. It was also good to shoot pictures of both JV and varsity tonight for the first time since the Cranberry Classic in November, I believe.

Feels like I have a lot of catching up to do. I did take plenty of photos of everyone tonight, including the halftime show featuring the Little Dribblers. Don't think I'll get through many more tonight. It is almost 11 p.m. after all. And a school night, no less.

Let's keep the momentum going, ladies! Finish strong! 

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