Sunday, February 26, 2023

Camp Chop-A-Lot

Sleep deprived but survived scrapbooking weekend! Every year for Camp Crop-A-Lot we have a theme for dressing up, late-night games, and room decorations. This year was Camp Chop-A-Lot and the wardrobe of the weekend was Lumber Jill (aka Buffalo Plaid).

I didn't have a stitch of Buffalo Plaid in the house, but scored some deals at Goodwill. And I did have some Jamberries to do my nails appropriately!

You can tell by our group picture Saturday that we Lumber Jills –nearly 40 in number this year – took it seriously. Flannel abounds!

Of course this morning's picture featured lack of sleep for all of us and I was the only one wearing team colors. Hey, I gotta get my money's worth before I donate them back!

As far as productivity... I finished the Shutterfly cruise album – 80 pages! – and ordered one for both my sister Rayna and me. So glad they had that unlimited free pages deal going until midnight tonight! 

I was home by midafternoon today. Just like Friday when my internet connection was sketchy and I lost pages. Today was like that. I was 10 pages into another vacation album – Colorado 2014, ha – and I decided to quit while I was ahead. But turns out I wasn't.

It said it had been saving, but when I got home, none of my work had saved. Grrr. Am so not tackling that again any time soon.

Mainly I needed to shower, do my laundry, eat Italia's pizza for dinner with hubby, and count down to when it's "not too early" to go to bed in my super comfy king bed with a mattress that doesn't make crinkly noises when I turn over and is far deeper than 2 inches thick!

Just like any good Lumber Jill, I'll be sawing logs in my sleep tonight. That's for sure.

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