Friday, September 15, 2023

A Grand Visit

Pretty sure when we actually do become grandparents some years down the road we'll be pushovers. I mean when our grand-pup visit and she gives us this look, we'll give her anything!

Yup. Rey (Skywalker) is visiting us from Portland, Oregon. Oh, and she brought her human parents, too! 

With their wedding just 8 days away, Casey and Emily are back in the Midwest – mainly staying at her parents in the Twin Cities, but Casey and Rey popped over for a visit to Wisconsin Rapids. It was great to see him! We grilled out and watched the pathetic Vikings game. 

And Rey was super well-behaved. She had this sidelong glance when Sylvester sneaked by her before hiding in our bathroom the rest of the evening!

Just made us more excited for the wedding next weekend. And, of course, our ill-timed kitchen remodel. Hopefully things work around our need to be out of town. 

And if I haven't mentioned the upgrade, it's only because we've been talking about it for 2 years and finally pulled the trigger and it's all hopefully coming together quickly. I even sold the "old" cabinets on Facebook in 5 minutes. And we haven't even taken them down yet. Guess I know how I'm spending the rest of the weekend!

Have a good one!

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