Thursday, September 21, 2023

One and Done

We were thrilled today that our rock star painting squad got the kitchen and dining room walls painted in a single day. Hurray!

Sheds and his worthy assistant were busy before I even got up this morning. Hey, it was a vacation day so I slept in until a whoppin' 8 a.m.

The person buying our old cupboards had a family emergency so wasn't coming today. So I postponed cleaning them up for now. So while the dynamic duo slaved away I got some photo work done and errands, too. 

Enjoying a celebratory beer for a productive one-and-done day! Hey, some people tip with money. Some people with Budweiser!

I had to run to cross country. Then hubby and I met at El Mezcal for dinner – gotta start using up some of our gift cards when we don't have a kitchen! Took pictures when we got home. Anything not painted white is where cupboards are going.

And at that wall where we had wainscoting panels (that's a new word I learned today), we'll have something special that I'll share a photo of once it's installed. 

Whew! First stage complete! Now we can pack tonight and enjoy a wedding weekend!

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