Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Dirty Snow, Sky's Aglow

If you look closely, the juxtaposition of this photo completely exemplifies January here in Wisconsin. Mother Nature is a good distractor. I was focused on the gorgeous sunset last night but now I see that ugly pile of dirty snow in the foreground at right. 

A picture that says it all!

I didn't get a chance to share last night because I snapped some Lady Royals hoops picture and I as was working on those 'til bedtime. And just remembered I gotta finish those tonight.

But this morning I was blessed with more color at 7 a.m. on my commute. Kind of freaky how it almost looks like a California wildfires-type photo. Thankfully, it was just the sky on fire.

Today our work cafeteria crew celebrated the Lunar New Year and we got fortune cookies. I'm pretty sure mine refers to something like trying a new ice cream flavor rather something silly like a new exercise program. It's almost the end of January. I missed that boat!

After work, we had our Marketing Department Christmas party. We always have it in late January since we're so busy in December prepping for our golf tournament on Maui first week in January. Had some hors d'oeuvres, won a prize, and then headed to Rapids.

Needed to get to a funeral visitation for the mother and mother-in-law of our friends Mike and Christine.

Was glad I was blessed with seeing this gorgeous sunset before arriving. It reminded me God is here and he'll give them comfort. And me, too, since I broke down crying realizing how much I miss my momma, too! 

Got home with enough time to whip together a Peanut Butter and Chocolate Trifle for work tomorrow before choir practice. I can't thank my Martha Steward television crew enough for cleaning up after me as I ran out the door!

I'm thankful hubby feels well enough to go to his golf simulator league tonight. That's a good sign. Prayers for further progress, please!

Be careful out there – of germs and any slippery roads!

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