Tuesday, January 21, 2025

So Cold it's Painful

Two things to note about this screenshot. First of all, it's bleeping cold out. Secondly, note the time.

About the only time I get up at 5:48 a.m. I'm usually trying to catch a flight. Or, in this case, it's me up half the night coughing and shivering and hoping to get more than 3 hours of sleep.

That was not the case. I actually went back to bed with 2 Ibuprofen P.M.s at 6 a.m.  My body must be immune to them. I couldn't sleep then either. So I got up and completed a work day. I just hurt!

But now, almost 12 hours later, I'm already pondering the earliest bedtime possible. This house is an infirmary!

Didn't realize January would be so tough. But here we are, surviving January 47th like a boss. We got this!

Be careful out there!

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