Thursday, January 2, 2025

Teeing Off the New Year

This morning was a bit of a rude awakening back into the land of the working. Had to get up to an unheard off alarm AND warm up my car before heading into work. 

And most of the day was spent reminding myself that today was Thursday and tomorrow is already a work-from-home Friday. 

Then there was the start of our company-sponsored golf tournament on Maui. 

I'm not bragging up any self-importance about this tournament, but I did put a lot of hours into writing content (social and otherwise) ahead of time. And now, many of my co-workers are on island and I am sort of "on call" in case they need something written from the Central Time Zone.

As usual, I'm a bit bummed about that. But I usually get a special gift or two from our team, so it somewhat balances out. Not completely, obviously, but since hubby and I have vacationed in that area in the recent past, at least I know what the experience is like!

And now, since the broadcast is on Hawaiian time, I better get to my recliner and oversee things. Or just watch enviable golf in a gorgeous location!

Hope you have time to tune into The Sentry sometime in the coming days!

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