Monday, July 31, 2017

Goodbye, July

I want to climb on the rooftop and soak up as much July as I can before it's over. Too bad I'm afraid of heights. And well, not a fan of mosquitoes either.

Every year I go through this thought pattern, wondering where the heck summer went. I didn't see College Boy enough. I didn't golf enough. I didn't kayak enough. And I waited so long to start working on my "beach body" that I might as well skip it and move onto hoodies and sweatpants.

OK. Let's not exaggerate. I can wear either year-round.

I guess that means I should try to squeeze in as much as I can in August! Ha. Obviously my short-term memory can't recall how crazy Saturday was with every minute accounted for.

We do have some fun coming up in August. I will not think of it as summer's almost over. Technically we have two more months. I must re-train my thinking.

I will sit with Snoopy on the roof of his dog house (that can't be too high) and be thankful for a nice warm evening, sunlight at 8:30 p.m. and goofy tan lines around my ankles.

I suppose I can put up with those pesky skeeters for another month, too. Better than pesky snowflakes any time!

So long, July.

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