Saturday, June 30, 2018

Beat the Heat

I was scolded today for not acting my age. Like I should know better than to go on a 3-mile walk in this heat. But honestly, it didn't seem THAT hot to me. Despite evidence of the buckling Highway 54 (above) and heat index (below).

The "real feel" was 102. Allegedly. It was warm, yes, but didn't feel crazy hot. Maybe I've just been craving it too long!

So I had a ready excuse to stay inside and work on photos and my scrapbook. Well, I didn't get far. I had my Saturday chores to do (3 Saturdays worth) plus a bunch of errands to run. Really only got as far as uploading all the pictures – I think about 5,000, ha.

Then I decided I should take hubby on a date since it's our anniversary tomorrow. Found out our friend Kat's band was playing in Fremont, about an hour away, at a riverside bar and restaurant. Sounded like some fun in the sun to me! Drum beat the heat.

We were shielded by an umbrella and there was a steady breeze so we were not hot at all. Eventually it got cloudy with threatening rain clouds and more wind... but cooler temperatures. If you're into that sort of thing.

Kat (aka Kathy) is a crazy amazing singer so it was a treat to see and hear her again. She visited with us during her breaks. She and Jim went to school together from grade school on up.

So I like to think Jim is lucky... He grew up with the hot lead singer and he is growing old with hot me. Well, if 95 degrees is hot, that is.

Yup, he's super lucky! We both are.

Had a great time and, since I was the designated driver, I made sure we got to Plover in time before King Cone closed. I'm just a nice date that way.

Hope you found ways to beat the heat today!

Friday, June 29, 2018

TGIFS (Thank God It's Finally Summer)

The heat wave they're experiencing in Minnesota and other parts of the Midwest hasn't really hit here in central Wisconsin. I mean sure, it's go the "Real Feel" of 99 degrees, but friends and family are talking heat indexes of 110 degrees and such.

So we're just chillin' here and loving it.

OK. Not WE. I am probably the only one in the county. I am probably among the few, too, who missed any warm or hot weather we had in June. I was wearing a jacket and traipsing through drafty castles. It's my turn now to have heat!

Of course, when you sit inside A/C at work all day, you don't know if it's 94 or 54 outside. But after work, I did get a walk in. It wasn't overwhelmingly hot. I did two miles without needing water anyway.

The rest of the evening I sat at my computer. I got a 50% off coupon for Shutterfly this afternoon so I was thinking I should try to get my Sweden scrapbook done this weekend. The coupon expires Sunday night so there is a deadline here. I figured I'd upload the photos tonight and start the creative stuff tomorrow.

Didn't think it would take all evening to upload photos but... they're still uploading! Uhm yeah... we're sorta approaching 4,000 pictures right now. If I am realistic, I wonder how I'm going to sort and discard and choose and design in just two days time. Uff da.

Time is not on my side. But Mr. Deck Chair says the heat is!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Birthday Paddles

As of today, the sun has officially set on my 40s. And I'm OK with that. It didn't seem like an out of the ordinary day to transition into the next decade anyway. Busy day at work – highlighted by a floral delivery (thanks, hubby) – and home at 5 p.m.

Then the fun started. It was time for my birthday paddles.

No, not spankings, thankfully. Kayaking finally. The first time this summer, actually. With sun and warm temps, it was time to return to the waterway.

Not only was it a treat to get out on the river with my sweetie...

...But it was a wonderful treat to be out on the water with my fellow River Babe Cindy again. Don't you love our hats? Awesome birthday gift!

Saw the silhouette of an eagle almost right away. He made me chase him down river before I finally got him where he wasn't in the direct sun.

Still camouflaged by tree leaves, but I got him!

Water was smooth as glass.

The guys paddling ahead.

Cindy and Mike.

Staging area for a Hitchcock Birds sequel. Freaky.

Scarce on the lily pad and flower front.

Still could get artsy.

Gliding in the still waters.

Parent and child in the Eagle Cove as I call it. Almost always see them in this little inlet along our paddling route.
 The youngster had his back turned to me, but I got Dad. Or is it Mom? I need to study.

Home stretch.

Jim paddling toward the boat landing, which happens to be right by Carter's Castle (aka the Biron Paper Mill where Carter works). He was inside working hard on his 3-11 shift while we were out playing.

No birthday is complete without King Cone. Seriously, it's not! What a treat!

Thanks for all the well wishes. We'll see if I have a better handle on this half-century business come tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Back in the Saddle

Feeling a little more human each day. Only needed a few doses of caffeine to get through the work day. But will fall asleep in no time tonight!

Had a fun evening shooting some pictures of my friend's daughter competing in gymkhana at the riding club down the road. Still not exactly sure what a gymkhana involves, but I know you ride your horse in circles or around barrels or around poles. And you try to do it fast.

Colleen's daughter Elsa was riding her pretty horse Lena in the younger age group (think grade school). A few of my faves from tonight..

Love both their faces on this one!

It was good to be back in the saddle, so to speak, shooting action photos. I was out of practice! Can still handle selfies, though...

Glad Colleen was in the neighborhood. It's been 8 month since I left my job and I miss her! And a handful of others, of course.

Why the long face? It's my last day in my 40s. How did that sneak up on me?

To make the most of my evening awake, I made a trifle treat for work tomorrow. Coconut Dreams, I call it ...

Chocolate cake, coconut creme pudding, crushed Samoa cookies, whipped cream, crushed coconut wafer cookies, repeat. I love coconut. So yum. Just yum. Good thing calories don't count on my birthday.

And good thing I could stay up 'til after 9 to get things done. Slowly but surely, my body will be back on central time! In the meantime, I'll be feeling my age.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Uff Da, Dat's Some Jet Lag

I forgot I had posted this sign on my desk before I left for vacation. Pretty cool to see all flag logos now for the countries I visited – even if just for a few hours: Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway.

The easiest part of the day was taking the sign down and turning on my computer. Then the hard part... After concentrating really hard to remember my password, I then spent the day concentrating on staying awake. When I got in at 8 a.m., it felt like 3 p.m., so I knew I was good for about two hours!

Never underestimate the power of jet lag after international travel. I now realize why I've never experienced it before. One, I was never 7 time zones away before. And two, I was never anywhere long enough to have my body get used to that schedule.

I am hoping hitting the hay in short order will help me catch up. Or at least help my body adjust.

Thankfully, I have a ton of work to do at the office to keep me upright this week. Believe me. Every yawn and stretch and mind-numbing moment is worth it!

Can't help smiling about the vacation that exceeded my expectations. And about the amazing people in our group who transitioned from strangers to extended family. I bet we're all watching the clock right now thinking, is 9 p.m. too early for bed?

The answer is no.

No, it's not.

Swede dreams!

Monday, June 25, 2018

Sisters in Scandi-hoovia :: Actually, Back in America

Guess who came back to America with me? Everyone we left Minneapolis with!

Shout out to the US Embassy for making quick work of getting my twin a replacement passport in time to fly home with us!

Knowing we'd land in Minneapolis at 1:30 a.m. Sweden Time, I tried to sleep on plane as much possible! After many hugs goodbye at airport, Rayna's husband Paul picked us up and drove us and our heavy suitcases to their place in Hudson, where my car's been parked.

When I went upstairs to their apartment, I got quite the surprise! My keys were there – but so was my hubby! What an awesome surprise. He drove over with Carter in the morning and Carter drove the CRV back to Rapids. They. Are. The. Best!

Thank god Jim drove home. I slept so hard the last hour of the trip I don't know how I would have done it on my own!

Well it's almost midnight here and almost 7 a.m. in Sweden. My body says, "Blog later... Bed NOW!"

Thanks for coming along on the journey. There'll be more to share...

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sisters in Scandi-hoovia :: Day 13

Our last full day abroad. Cue the tears. We had our final group outing. And, finally, it was warm enough I didn't need a jacket! I know it was a heat wave back home but I missed it and I want it there when I get home, welcoming me.

For our trip today we took a ferry ride to Stora Fjäderholmarna. I know. Easy for ME to say!

The Fjäderholmarna (English translation: Feather Islands) are a group of small islands in the Stockholm archipelago close to downtown Stockholm. The Fjäderholmarna consist of the four named islands -- including Stora Fjäderholmen -- and a bunch of smaller islets.

It only took about 20 minutes to ferry over and we had a few free minutes before lunch. The island is home to a number of craft workshops and stores, as well as several restaurants and cafes. Here's a few photos from the "commute" and the island...

Cool sculpture in the harbor.

Look! A lighthouse! Yes, I could live here. Between lighthouses, water, and ice cream, I'm set. Well, I need my brown-eyed guys and an income, too, but I can dream.

The island had a cool playground. You may have seen large chess sets before, but here they had a big tic-tac-toe set.

Plus a large board game setting for Aggravation or Sorry.

Technically, this is probably for the kids, too. But darn it, if I'm squeezing into the ice cream picnic table, then I'm getting a picture, too!

Getting our nautical fun on. 

I will miss all these cute signs, equipment, and decorations that I don't know how to read!

Since this is the site of an old fishing village, there were original and restored boats on display. Very cool.

This is where we had our last lunch together. Why yes, it was Swedish meatballs and mashed potatoes. Thanks for asking. And yes, there were lingonberries again, too. Yum.

The island included some dormant military equipment from the days it was off limits to the public and served as a military zone. Now the seagulls (and photographers) like them.

Busy day on the waters around Stockholm. What else is more appealing on a Sunday afternoon?

 Our trip leader Martin waiting on the group... again.

Our two fearless leaders -- Martin and his sister Anna. They are the best!

We got back to the area of Stockholm called Gamla Stan -- basically "old town" for several free hours to roam the historic sector of the city, shop, or go back to the hotel to pack or nap.

Raylene and I checked it out. There were so many things to see. The history of the buildings, architecture, and statues was mixed with quite the busy shopping scene.

We visited the Royal Palace, where several guards stood on duty. For looks anyway. There is definitely serious security types inside by all the artifacts.

Inside the Royal Chapel. Wow.

Remember how I said ice cream is part of the food pyramid here? Apparently Ben & Jerry's knew that. As much as I love it, I kept my treats as local and native as I could.

Just kidding. We skipped Ben & Jerry's but also skipped the reindeer surprise. Has some salted caramel-coconut gelato instead! Yes, we're quite aware our scales will be working overtime when we get back!

Had to pose by our lucky number. June 28 is just around the corner!

Narrow streets for eager shoppers. There were 6 different cruise ships docked in town this weekend!

Cool graffiti alleyway.

This is what happens when we're left unsupervised! I assured hubby we didn't buy these. Just borrowed them. Am trying not to bring too many extra things home.

How's that working out? Well, we packed as much as we could before our farewell dinner. So far Raylene and I don't think we'll be overweight. With luggage, that is!

At 7 p.m. we had our last meal together as a whole group. No fish or Swedish meatballs. We had chicken to help transition our stomachs to American food or something.

If was tough to think of it as a goodbye. Not only was the trip fun for all the new experiences and sight-seeing. We got to meet more than 2 dozen strangers who are now part of a big family. How awesome is that?

After dinner tonight we played cards again with the Iowa Sisters, as we call them. Managed to win a game but then go sloppy and tired. We gotta sleep fast tonight. Lene is off to the embassy at 7 a.m. or so. And the rest of us head to the airport at 10:30.

Hopefully all goes well so Lene can join the rest of her big family for the long ride home. Hold your thumbs (like the Swedes do for luck) and keep the prayers coming.